Regardless if you’re an Overwatch fan or not, his creations are flat out impressive. As a 26-year-old game designer from New Zealand, Rudeism rigs everyday (and sometimes not everyday) items to use as controllers for his favorite games – and his latest creations have been awesomely applied to Overwatch.

Originally, Rudeism says he started by playing Rocket League with a Guitar Hero controller, moving on to trying it on Portal, CS:GO and other games.

Hooking up one electronic device to be playable with another electronic device doesn’t sound too far-fetched does it? But what about using bananas to play Winston, or a nerf bow for Hanzo? Rudeism has done it. 

Not only does he make these masterful creations, he live streams the entire process. 

So far he’s not only used Bananas with Winston and a Nerf bow with Hanzo, but he’s also used a Nerf rifle with Widowmaker, a Microwave with Symmetra, a broom and toy gun with Mercy, a balance board and tennis balls with Zenyatta, and teacups with Ana (yes, you read that correctly – teacups).

You can regularly catch Rudeism on his stream playing Rocket League with a Guitar Hero guitar or working on his latest mutation controller. 

What crazy objects do you think he should try next? Lucio with a CD Player. Maybe Genji with a foam sword? Let us know what crazy controllers you would use!