VG24/7 first spotted the thread, and despite the Reddit poster claiming they’re on the game’s marketing team, this should be considered an unverified rumor for the time being and taken with a big grain of salt.
If it is true, we should be getting a reveal trailer before August and a release timeframe of June 2021.
According to the Reddit post, the game is called Hogwarts: Dark Legacy, which is a bit suspect in itself given “Dark Legacy” is a popular subtitle often attached to some rather steamy Harry Potter fan fiction.
Anyhow, Hogwarts: Dark Legacy is supposedly set well after the Harry Potter novels, so Voldemort isn’t the main antagonist. Instead, it’s a prominent Death Eater. The rumor also says that several Harry Potter hero and villain cameos are planned.
Reportedly, you play as a 5th-year Hogwarts student transferred from another school of magic. Though the majority of Dark Legacy’s action is said to center around Hogwarts, there are at least four main areas full of NPCs and quests: Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and London/The Ministry of Magic where you work later. The leaker claims they weren’t given details on the other location.
Choices purportedly factor heavily in the game’s plot, including how it unfolds and what happens to certain characters. Hogwarts: Dark Legacy also reportedly uses a system similar to Shadow of Mordor, where you have specific rivals you can either recruit, defeat, or kill.
Combat is another aspect that centers around choices, where a Good/Evil points system determines how you develop and what spells you learn. It’s also based around an energy system, so you’ll need to consider each action carefully. That said, the leaker mentioned combat and story are a slow burn and take a while to ramp up.
Finally, Hogwarts: Dark Legacy is supposedly a very dark game with romance and marriage geared towards adult fans of the books, so it’ll be a Teen- or Mature-rated game.
Again, it’s wise not to read too much into these rumors yet, but we’ll see what happens when and if a Harry Potter RPG trailer does drop this summer. The original story is over on VG24/7, but you can get more detail from the Reddit thread as well. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Hogwarts: Dark Legacy news as it develops.