To find these locations, you’ll need to pass near them on the map, which means a lot of exploring if you don’t have a guide to show you where they are. Hidden Histories are marked by gold icons with treasure chests in the middle. To see them, open your Map app, and tab over to “Discoveries.” 

Once you arrive at a landmark — Fort Cullen Route 66, or Go Kart Go!, for example —  you’ll need to find and interact with five green historical marker signs. You needn’t listen to an entire audio file at one marker before listening to the audio file at the next marker for it to count, so you can run through these if you’re not interested in learning more about Santo Ileso’s lore. 

Below, we’ve collected all the Hidden History locations, starting nearest the Saints Church HQ and moving counterclockwise. Completing each site gives you a bit of money and XP, and some locations are linked, giving more cash and XP along with new clothes for completing both areas. 

All Hidden Histories

Fort Cullin

Location: Old Town West. Rewards: $500, 300XP.

Fort Cullin is at the big American flag 150 meters northeast of the Church HQ. You’ll go here during the Office Decor quest to retrieve the cannon collectible and open the ability to place collectibles in the HQ.

Welcome Sign: Outside the fort on the southwestern side (you’ll see it as you approach from the Church). Signs 2 & 3: On the right and left sides of the cannon display to the right (southeast) of the Welcome Sign.   Sign 4: to the left (north) of the cannon display on the right side of the path, between the round tower and the wooden staircase.    Sign 5: By the stone archway directly opposite (west) of Sign 4.  

Meeker Square

Location: Old Town West. Rewards: $500, 300XP.

Meeker Square is about 350 meters east/southeast of Fort Cullen. Look for the large statue in the center of a pioneer hanging from a cliff while being attacked by two panthers, a snake, and an eagle. 

Welcome Sign: At the base of the statue on the northern side.   Sign 2: By the porta potties on the far southwestern side of the square.   Sign 3: In the group of three trees near three trash cans and three sawhorses on the far southeastern side of the square.   Sign 4: By the porta potties on the far northeastern corner of the square. Sign 5: By the small wooden table with the red umbrella across from the green tent on the far northwestern side of the square.

Beware the Grisly Bear

Location: Old Town East. Rewards: $500, 300XP.  

Beware the Grisly Bear is roughly 520 meters southeast of Meeker Square. Everything looks roughly the same in this area, so look for a corrugated metal building with a green roof and Cahlupacabra billboard near an overpass — and the large metal vulture shooting flames from its wings. 

Welcome Sign: On the eastern side of the area near the psychedelic “Keep It Strange, Santo” mural.   Sign 2: Against the wall of the building with the “Keep It Strange, Santo” mural.   Sign 3: In front of the terrifying metal teddy bear with a top hat.   Sign 4: Near the dumpster just to the left of Sign 3.   Sign 5: By the metal vulture shooting flames from its wings.

Rancho Providencia

Location: West Providencia. Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional rewards for completing this location and Fort Cullen: Werewolf Mask, 900XP, $4,000.  

Rancho Providencia is in northern West Providencia, about 700-750 meters south/southwest of Beware the Grisly Bear. It’s a western-themed shopping center in a small mountainous area on the right side of the road leading north from Jim Rob’s Garage. 

Welcome Sign: By the stairs leading up to the Ice Cream Parlor on the right side of the building with the Post Office and Megan’s Memories.   Sign 2: By the cactus just to the right of the Welcome Sign, barely past the wooden fence and tires in the ground.   Sign 3: By a graveyard at the top of the hill behind Sign 2. Sign 4: By the bus and hotel left (north) of the Welcome Sign. Sign 5: In front of the Blacksmith shop to the right of the hotel, past the white canopy tents.  

St. Thomas Corvacho

Location: East Providencia. Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional rewards for completing this location and Meeker Square: Pugnus Sanctus Dei weapon skin, 900XP, $4,000.  

St. Thomas Corvacho is a church in mid-western East Providencia, about 700 meters southeast of Rancho Providencia and 300 meters southeast of Panther Rock. It’s across the street from (southeast of) the Branded clothing store. 

Welcome Sign: On the eastern side of the church by a staircase and double doors.   Sign 2: Just east of the Welcome Sign, behind the stone pillar between the green and yellow buildings. The yellow building is the Community Center.   Sign 3: On the south side of the Community Center, next to the stairs at the front entrance by the street.   Sign 4: On the south side of the church at the main entrance, just to the west of Sign 3/the Community Center.   Sign 5: On the north side (backside) of the church, near a set of stairs leading to an “Employees Only” door.  

The Grand Prix

Location: West Providencia. Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional rewards for completing this location and Beware the Grisly Bear: Kiss Cactus Hat, 900XP, $4,000.

The Grand Prix is in West Providencia, just 190 meters southwest of St. Thomas Corvacho. Look for the yellow Rancho water tower near the church. 

Welcome Sign: In front of a palm tree inside the main gate on the south side of the area. Sign 2: Just inside the main gate to the left, by the metal spider-racer sculpture. Sign 3: At the base of the water tower behind the Welcome Sign; on the right side.   Sign 4: Behind the rail car on the northern side of the water tower.   Sign 5: At the metal spider-racer sculpture just north of the railcar.  

Frank’s 80/20 Brewery

Location: Smelterville West. Rewards: $500, 300XP.  

Frank’s 80/20 Brewery is in the center of Smelterville West, about 1,075 meters southwest of The Grand Prix and 1,000 meters southeast of the El Dorado fast-travel location. Look for the large beer jutting into the skyline near the Scorpion factory and the Iles Oil factory.

Welcome Sign: South of the main bar, near the benches in the trees.   Sign 2: At the base of the giant beer, to the right of the three parked cars. Sign 3: By the distillery tanks across from the water tower.   Sign 4: Just to the left of the bar, by the double doors.   Sign 5: In the back left corner, diagonal from the bar.  

Go Kart Go!

Location: El Dorado. Rewards: $500, 300XP.

Go Kart Go! is about 1,500 meters west of Frank’s 80/20 Brewery and 500 meters west/southwest of the El Dorado fast-travel location. The track can be found directly west of/next to the Aztec casino and directly south of the Lancelot Castle. 

Welcome Sign: By the entrance to the Go Kart Go! building on the south side of the track, near the Go Kart Go! sign. Sign 2: Directly south of the Welcome sign by the palm tree across from the blue vending machines.   Sign 3: Along the barricade by the porta potties on the western side of the track; look near the bleachers.   Sign 4: Inside the go-kart garage just north of Sign 3, along the right side. Sign 5: On the northeastern side of the track near a barricade in a small parking lot.  

Route 66 McQuarry

Location: Badlands South. Rewards: $500, 300XP.  

Route 66 McQuarry is the cluster of buildings 150 meters south of the Lone Wolf fast-travel location in Badlands South.

Welcome Sign: Just right of the entrance to the Jackknife Cafe building. Sign 2: At the base of the giant snake sculpture just up the hill east.   Sign 3: On the right corner of the Juan-Der-Land Burrito restaurant just north of the snake.   Sign 4: At the five cars sticking in the sand northwest of, across the street from, the Jackknife Cafe.   Sign 5: On the southeastern side of the sunken ship in the middle of the Casino Hotel parking lot.  

Lake Alacran

Location: Badlands North Primary Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional rewards for completing this location and Go Kart GO!: Marshall Kart, 900XP, and $4,000.

Lake Alacran is in Badlands North, about 2,500 meters north/northwest of Route 66 McQuarry and 1,100 meters west/northwest of the Cactus Bill fast-travel location in Lakeshore South. Look for a small shack with a dock in a dry lake bed and a small dirt parking lot at a major intersection. There’s a run-down farmstead with a windmill nearby. 

Welcome Sign: At the gangway for the dock nearest the shack. Sign 2: Just south of the dock, down the path along the lake bed, tucked against some rocks.   Sign 3: To the right (north) of the dock on the western side of the lake bed.   Sign 4: By the road directly north of Sign 3.   Sign 5: On the northern side of the shack.  

Jasinski Park Library

Location: Lakeshore South. Rewards: $500, 300XP.

Jasinski Park Library is the statehouse/capital building in Lakeshore South about 700 meters east of Lake Alacran and barely northwest of Jasinski Pavilion and the Cactus Bill fast-travel location. 

Welcome Sign: At the steps leading up to the library’s front entrance.   Sign 2: On the southeastern (front) corner of the library, just east of the Welcome Sign near the dozen or so “keep off the grass” signs.   Sign 3: In the garden with the lamp post on the northeastern (back) side of the library, near the pedestrian bridge.   Sign 4: In the garden with the lamp post on the northwestern (back) side of the library, near the second pedestrian bridge. Sign 5: By the “book” bench on the southwestern side (front) of the library, just west of the Welcome Sign.  

Jasinski Park Theater

Location: Lakeshore South. Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional rewards for completing this location and Jasinski Park Library: Alien Mask, Alien Hat, 900XP, $4,000.  

Jasinski Park Theater can be found barely east of the Library, sitting between it and the Cactus Bill fast-travel location. 

Welcome Sign: To the right of the stage in the amphitheater.   Signs 2 & 3: At the top of the two middle staircases. Sign 4: At the top of the western staircase. Sign 5: At the top of the hill on the northwestern side of the amphitheater.  

Red Faction Memorial Park

Location: Marina West. Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional rewards for completing this location and Frank’s 80/20 Brewery: Beer Costume, 900XP, $4,000.  

Red Faction Memorial Park is in the southeast corner of the Marina West district, about 2,262 meters northeast of Jasinski Park Theater and 375 meters south/southeast of the Bear Lake fast-travel location. It’s across the street from St. Santa Lina Apartments along the main road that cuts through the district.

Welcome Sign: By the sidewalk, just barely south of the sculpture in the middle of the park.   Sign 2: Next to the front door of the brewery to the right (east) of the park.   Sign 3: Up the steps on the right (east) side of the park. Sign 4: At the top of the middle staircase leading to the upper walkway in the back of the park, north of the sculpture in the middle. Sign 5: On the left side of the park, just west of the sculpture in the middle.  

Sidewinder Creek

Location: Rojas Desert North. Rewards: $500, 300XP.  

Sidewinder Creek is roughly 2,300 meters east of Red Faction Memorial Park. Look for a national park area with picnic shelters and tables, American flags, and a large boulder surrounded by towering mesas. 

Welcome Sign: On the right side of the middle picnic shelter.   Sign 2: In front of the large boulder to the right of the Welcome Sign.   Sign 3: By the three flag poles, along the wall overlooking the river below. Sign 4: On the far left (northeastern) side of the parking lot near the wall. Sign 5: In the picnic shelter nearest Sign 4.  

Sky Canyon

Location: Rojas Desert North. Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional rewards for completing this location and Sidewinder Creek: Shakes the Snake shirt, 900XP, $4,000.

Sky Canyon is 200 meters southeast of Sidewinder Creek. It is the scenic overlook area directly across the creek. 

Welcome Sign: Up the hill from the parking lot and to the right (east) of the walled scenic area there.    Sign 2: Up the path from the Welcome Sign and the first left just before the large mesa archway. Along the overlook wall after descending the three sets of stairs.   Sign 3: Back up the stairs and straight ahead on the right side, directly across from the mesa archway and before the stairs with the flags.   Sign 4: Down the path to the left of the Welcome Sign as you head toward the parking lot. Along a retaining wall on the right.   Sign 5: Next to the monument and flags in the parking lot.  

Route 66 Cranston

Location: Rojas Desert South. Primary Rewards: $500, 300XP. Additional Rewards for completing this location and Route 66 McQuarry: Ringers Hawaiin Shirt, 900XP, $4,000.  

Route 66 Cranston is located in far eastern portion of Rojas Desert South, more than 2,000 meters south/southeast of the Sky Canyon. It is an area that is comprised of a Ringers clothing store, Thunderpump gas station, Rock Shop Dinosaurs store, and a TacoSrus restaurant. 

Welcome Sign: Near the road by the picnic tables and the large checkerboard.   Sign 2: On the left side of the Ringers building, by the mining cart and horses.   Sign 3: Across the street from Ringers, near the large lightning-bolt sculpture by the drive entrance to the Thunderpump gas station.   Sign 4: Underneath the brown and red Brachiosaurus just west of the Thunderpump gas station.   Sign 5: By the picnic tables to the left of the TacosRus building entrance, just west of Ringers.

And those are all of the Hidden History locations in Saints Row. You won’t get a trophy or achievement for your efforts, but you will be a little bit closer to achieving 100% completion — and plus you know all about Santo Ileso’s weird past, which is perhaps the most interesting story-related content in the game. For more, head over to our Saints Row guides page.